St Mary’s ​Orthodox Syrian ​Church

alencherry pally

St. Mary's Orthodox Syrian Church,Alencherry, has a rich history rooted in faith, ​community, and service. From its humble ​beginnings in 1937 to its present status, the ​church has been a beacon of Orthodox ​Christian faith in the region. Through the ​dedication of its members and the guidance ​of its leaders, the church looks forward to ​continuing its mission of spiritual growth and ​community service.

About Us

About Us

About Us


Sunday Prayers and ​Dhooparppanam for ​the Departed

Honoring Our Departed Loved Ones

Details of Aneede

Purpose and Significance:

Every Sunday, our church observes Aneede, ​a special service dedicated to offering ​prayers and dhooparppanam (incense ​offering) for those who have departed from ​us, particularly those whose anniversary falls ​in that week. This meaningful tradition is an ​integral part of our Church's 12 unique plans, ​emphasizing our commitment to ​remembering and honoring our loved ones ​who have passed away.

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Welcome from the Vicar

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Martha Mariam International Pilgrim Church, Alencherry.

It's a joy to extend a warm welcome to you. Our church is a place of solace, healing, and renewal, guided by the spirit of ​Mother Mary and the teachings of our faith. As you explore our website, I invite you to immerse yourself in our traditions ​and fellowship. Whether you're a long-time member or new to our community, know that you're valued here.

Join us on our journey of faith, as we seek to live out the Gospel message and spread Christ's love to all.

For any inquiries or support, please don't hesitate to contact us



[Your Name]


Martha Mariam International Pilgrim Church, Alencherry

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At Mother Mary’s International Pilgrim Church, ​Sunday School is not just a place to learn;

it is a place to belong, to grow, and to experience ​the transformative power of

God’s love.

We look forward to welcoming your child into our ​Sunday School family and walking

with them on their journey of faith.

Join Us

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Sunday School at our parish is not just an ​educational program; it is a vital ministry ​dedicated to nurturing the faith and spiritual ​growth of our children and youth. With a strong ​foundation in the teachings of the Malankara ​Orthodox Syrian Church, our Sunday School ​curriculum encompasses a comprehensive approach to ​Christian Education, covering topics such as Bible ​Stories, Faith Formation, Christian Living, Prayer ​and Worship, Mission and Service, and

Good Stewardship.


Our Sunday School follows the curriculum provided ​by the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, ensuring ​that our students receive a well-rounded education ​in Orthodox Christian doctrine and practice. This ​curriculum is designed to meet the developmental ​needs of children and youth at different stages of ​their faith journey, equipping them with the ​knowledge and skills to live out their faith in ​their daily lives.

Parent-Teacher ​Association (PTA)

Our Sunday School is supported by an active ​Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) comprised of ​parents, teachers, and church leaders. The PTA ​plays a crucial role in supporting the work of the ​Sunday School, organizing events, fundraising ​activities, and providing input into the ​curriculum and programs. Through the PTA, parents ​are actively involved in their children’s ​religious education, fostering a sense of ​community and partnership between home and church.

Classes and Activities

Bible Stories

Students learn about key stories and characters from the Bible, exploring their significance and relevance to our ​faith.

Faith Formation

Through lessons, discussions, and activities, students deepen their understanding of Orthodox Christian beliefs ​and traditions.

Christian Living

Practical lessons on how to apply Christian principles to everyday life, including topics such as honesty, ​kindness, forgiveness, and humility.

Classes and Activities

Prayer and Worship

Instruction on the importance of prayer and participation in the liturgical life of the church, including the ​meaning and significance of the sacraments.

Mission and Service

Opportunities for students to engage in service projects and outreach initiatives, putting their faith into ​action by serving others in need.

Go​od Stewardship

Teaching students about the importance of stewardship, including the responsible use of resources, caring for ​God’s creation, and giving back to the church and community.


In addition to traditional classroom instruction, We also offer SMART (Spiritually ​Motivated And Responsible Teens) Class for our youth. This interactive and engaging ​program is designed to meet the unique needs of teenagers, providing a safe space ​for them to explore their faith, ask questions, and discuss relevant issues facing ​young Christians today.

SMART Class includes a combination of multimedia presentations, Online classes, ​group discussions, and hands-on activities, empowering teens to grow in their ​relationship with Christ and become active participants in the life of the church.

Join Us

We invite children and youth of all ages to join us for Online or Regular Sunday School and SMART Class, where ​they will encounter the love of God, grow in their faith, and form lifelong friendships within our church ​community. Our dedicated teachers and volunteers are committed to providing a nurturing and supportive ​environment where students can flourish spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.

Good Stuwards

Rev. Fr, Varghese T Varghese


Swapna Kurien


Jyothi Shibu


Baby Varghese


Jose KC

P​TA President


Rev. Fr, Varghese T Varghese
